Tag | Description | Additional Details |
AMBIC | Bicentennial | Issued to commemorate America’s Bicentennial in 1976. |
ANN | Anniversary | Commemorates an anniversary not otherwise defined. |
AUC | Auction | Issued in conjunction with a Trade-O-Ree or other similar event where the item was sold or given in exchange for items donated to be auctioned. |
BRO | Brotherhood | An item issued or to be worn by Brotherhood members of the OA or lodge. |
BSA | Boy Scouts of America | Includes the "BSA" lettering on the item. |
BSA100 | BSA 100th Anniversary (2010) | Commemorates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the BSA in 2010. |
BSA75 | BSA 75th Anniversary - Diamond Jubliee (1985) | Commemorates the 75th anniversary or Diamond Jubliee of the founding of the BSA in 1985. |
BSAGhost | BSA Symbol Ghosted | Denotes that the BSA identification symbol is camouflaged on the item by ghosting it within a color the same as the color of the identification symbol. |
BSAHide | BSA Symbol Hidden | Denotes that the BSA identification symbol is camouflaged on the item by hiding it as part of the design or in a similar color or colors as the color or colors of the identification symbol. |
Delegate | Delegate | Issued to a contingent member of an event. May have been available all lodge members but was sold at a higher price or had additional restrictions placed on the item. |
DF | Death/Last Flap | Last Flap issed by Order of the Arrow Lodge before merger. |
DI | Death/Last Issue | Last item issued by Lodge or Council before merger. |
ELG | Elangomat | An item issued for Elangomats. |
FDL | Fleur-de-lis | Item has Fleur-de-lis present |
FF | First Flap | First Flap issed by Order of the Arrow Lodge. |
FI | First Issue | First item issued by Lodge or Council. |
FOS | Friends of Scouting | A patch issued to raise funds for the council’s Friends of Scouting campaign. |
Fundraiser | Fundraiser | A patch issued to raise funds for a Scouting purpose including to offset the cost of a lodge contingent trip such as a NOAC, NLS, or Section Conclave. |
Ghost | Ghost | A patch made of a single color of thread but with a regular embroidery pattern. Not to be confused with BSAGhost. |
LANN | Lodge Anniversary | Commemorates a lodge’s anniversary. |
LEC | Lodge Executive Committee | Item issued for the Lodge Executive Committee |
NJ | National Jamboree | Item issued for the National Jamboree |
NOAC | National Order of the Arrow Conference | Issued in conjunction with the National Order of the Arrow Conference. |
OA100 | OA 100th Anniversary (2015) | Commemorates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Order of the Arrow in 2015. |
OA75 | OA 75th Anniversary (1990) | Commemorates the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Order of the Arrow in 1990. |
OBV | Ordeal, Brotherhood, and Vigil Set | Part of a set of three items issued simultaneously one each for Ordeal, Brotherhood, and Vigil Honor members. |
ORD | Ordeal | An item issued or to be worn by Ordeal members of the OA or lodge. |
Set | Set | Simultaneously issued patch that share a common design theme, perhaps they are identical in design except for different border colors or design that starts on one patch and continues to the next. |
Staff | Issued to a staff member of an event | |
TOR | Trade-O-Ree | Issued in conjunction with a Trade-O-Ree event. |
VIG | Vigil | An item issued or to be worn by Vigil Honor members of the OA or lodge. |
wLOOP | With Loop | Any patch with a cord or thread loop. |
wTAB | With Button Hole | Any patch with a tab meant for a button hole. |
WWW | Three W’s | Item shows the three W’s. Wimachtendienk, Wingolauchsik, Witahemui. |
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